Award Winners

 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country Domain Subdomain/Subject/Service Area Selected for
DrHuaRenHenan Normal UniversityChinaApplications of Computer VisionImage ProcessingBest Researcher Award
MrJiahaoNieHangzhou Dianzi University, Hangzhou 310018, ChinaChinaDeep Learning for Computer VisionImage Processing, Point Cloud ProcessingBest Researcher Award
Prof DrApostolia MariaTsimberidouMD Anderson Cancer CenterUnited StatesMedical Image AnalysisMedical oncologyBest Researcher Award
ProfZhitaoXiaoSchool of Life Sciences of Tiangong UniversityChinaMedical Image AnalysisFundus image, DKD analysis, Machine LearningBest Researcher Award
MrChristianIdoghoUniversity of VermontUnited StatesMachine Learning for Computer VisionApplication of machine learning for Power generationBest Researcher Award
ProfKrishanKumarHindu College, AmritsarIndiaMedical Image AnalysisBrain tumor Detection, Segmentation and ClassificationBest Researcher Award
DrTomAufderheide, MD, MSMedical College of WisconsinUnited StatesBiomedical and Healthcare ApplicationsElectrocardiographyBest Researcher Award
Assist Prof DrWen-BinHsiehNational Taitung UniversityTaiwanBiometrics and SecuritySecurity / Access controlBest Researcher Award
MsYangYuanChongqing University of TechnologyChinaMedical Image AnalysisSemi-supervised medical image segmentationBest Researcher Award
MrHailongNingXI'AN University of Posts&TelecommunicationsChinaDeep Learning for Computer VisionImage generation, change detectionBest Scholar Award
DrSitaraAfzalSejong UniversitySouth KoreaDeep Learning for Computer VisionDeep learningBest Researcher Award
DrRecaiYilmazChildren's National Hospital, Washington, D.C.United StatesApplications of Computer VisionIntraoperative Computer Vision in SurgeryBest Researcher Award
DrLawrenceBaizerNational Institutes of HealthUnited StatesBig Data and Large-Scale VisionSleep and Circadian DisordersBest Researcher Award
DrAnupPaulHMR Institute of Techonology and ManagementIndiaBiomedical and Healthcare ApplicationsChemistry, Chemical Informatics, Designing CompoundsBest Researcher Award
ProfXiaoHuangBeijing Institute of TechnologyChinaComputer Vision for Robotics and Autonomous SystemsRobot learning and intelligenceBest Researcher Award
DrleixiangSubtle Medical, IncUnited StatesImage Processing and EnhancementDeep LearningBest Researcher Award
Prof DrJunPARKSungkyunkwan University, Smart Factory Convergence DepartmentSouth KoreaIndustrial and Manufacturing ApplicationsSmart Factory AI Model ConstructionBest Researcher Award
ProfPanLiangUniversity of Electronic Science and Technology of ChinaChinaBiomedical and Healthcare ApplicationsFlexible electronicsBest Researcher Award
MrsGolnazAtri RoozbahaniJena University HospitalGermanyBiomedical and Healthcare ApplicationsProstate cancer researchBest Researcher Award
MrMehdiHeidari HorestaniJena University HospitalGermanyBiomedical and Healthcare ApplicationsCancer GeneticsBest Researcher Award
 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country Domain Subdomain/Subject/Service Area Selected for
