Dr. Richard Arias-Hernandez | Education | Academic Advancement Award Doctorate at The University of British Columbia, Canada Profiles google Scholar  Early Academic Pursuits Dr. Richard Arias-Hernandez embarked on his academic
Dr. Jianbang Liu | Augmented Reality | Best Faculty Award Doctorate at Xinyu University, China Profiles Scopus Orcid  Early Academic Pursuits Dr. JianBang Liu embarked on his academic journey with
Ms. Joy Shen | Applications of Computer Vision | Best Researcher Award Joy Shen at University of Maryland at College Park, United States Profiles Scopus Orcid Summary Ms. Joy Shen
Assist Prof Dr. Em-on Chaiprateep | Healthcare Applications | Best Researcher Award Em-on Chaiprateep at Faculty of Integrative Medicine, Thailand Profiles Orcid Google Scholar Summary Dr. Em-on Chaiprateep is an
Dr. Bo Kou | Traffic and Transportation Analysis | Best Researcher Award Doctorate at Southeast University, China Profiles Scopus Orcid  Early Academic Pursuits Dr. Bo Kou embarked on his academic
Dr. Guilong Xu | Traffic and Transportation Analysis | Best Researcher Award Doctorate at College of Transportation Engineering, Tongji University, China Profiles Scopus Orcid  Summary Dr. Guilong Xu is a
Prof. Carlo Bellini | Neonatologia | Lifetime Achievement Award Professor at Istituto Giannina Gaslini, Italy Profiles Scopus Orcid  Summary Dr. Carlo Bellini is a distinguished neonatologist and medical geneticist. After
Dr. Zulfiqar Ali | Industrial | Best Researcher Award Doctorate at The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Profiles Scopus Orcid Google Scholar Early Academic Pursuits Dr. Zulfiqar Ali embarked
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