Mr. Weixiong Dong | Seawater Desalination | Best Researcher Award Kashgar University, China Profiles Scopus Summary Mr. Weixiong Dong is a dedicated researcher at Kashgar University, specializing in seawater desalination,
Dr. Yijie Ning | Medical Image Analysis | Best Researcher Award Doctorate at the First Hospital of Shanxi Medical University, China Profiles Scopus Summary Dr. Yijie Ning is a dedicated
Ms. Houda EL Khachine | Machine Learning | Women Researcher Award Abdelmalek Essaadi University, Morocco Profiles Scopus Orcid Early Academic Pursuits Ms. Houda EL KHACHINE demonstrated a keen interest in
Assist Prof Dr. Ateke Goshvarpour | Biomedical | Editorial Board Member Imam Reza International University, Iran Profiles Scopus Google Scholar Summary Dr. Ateke Goshvarpour is an Assistant Professor of Biomedical
Prof. Krishan Kumar | Medical Image Analysis | Best Researcher Award Professor at Hindu College, Amritsar, India Profiles Orcid Google Scholar Summary Prof. Krishan Kumar is an Assistant Professor at
Prof Dr. Apostolia Maria Tsimberidou | Medical oncology | Best Researcher Award MD Anderson Cancer Center, United States Profiles Scopus Orcid Early Academic Pursuits Prof Dr. Apostolia M. Tsimberidou embarked
Prof. Zhitao Xiao | Medical Image Analysis | Best Researcher Award School of Life Sciences of Tiangong University, China Profiles Scopus Orcid Summary Prof. Zhitao Xiao is a distinguished researcher
Mr. Jiahao Nie | Image Processing | Best Researcher Award Hangzhou Dianzi University, China Profiles Scopus Google Scholar Summary Mr. Jiahao Nie is a dedicated Ph.D. candidate at Hangzhou Dianzi
Dr. Hua Ren | Image Processing | Best Researcher Award Doctorate at Henan Normal University, China Profiles Scopus Orcid Summary Dr. Hua Ren is a dedicated researcher and lecturer specializing